Sarah Elizabeth Taylor
Young Georgia peach, born, raised, and currently residing. I've been passionately practicing photography since I was very young and I plan to further my education in photography and graphic design by someday attending PrattMWP in Utica, New York after graduation. My dream has always been to make it big as a photographer and model. So as I get older, the more opportunities become available, and I, gladly, take them. I have experience with head shots, full body, nature, personal interaction, birthday, graduation, and prom pictures. 
Also, I do lots of photo shoots with friends for practice so if you're looking to build on your photography, modeling, or designing skills, you're welcome to book a time for that as well! 
Right now I'm working to build my own business through photography and have it expand as I get older. That being said, critiques, suggestions, comments, and concerns are most certainly welcomed! You can reach me in multiple ways (i.e. Instagram, Facebook, email, phone)so please don't hesitate!

  For further information in regards to making an appointment or consultation, please contact me by email (visit my contact page) or through my social media links (at the bottom or top right corner of the page)...

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